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Internal Complaint Committee & Women Devlopment Cell

Women Development Cell (WDC) of the college in association with different departments or committees organized various activities every year for the promotion of greater equity to ensure fairness of conduct for both women and men as per their various neads,

The activities proposed under Gender sensitization action plan of 2021-22 are as follows:

1.Webinar on Cyber Security

• Objectives:
To provide information related to online safety and protection of women in Cyber space.
• Outcome:
Girl students will get the knowledge about safety and security related with cyber space.

2.A National level 30 hours certificate course on "Gender Equity and Promotion"

• Objectives:
Awareness of gender equity among all the sections of the society and to generate awareness with respect to equality in law, education and employment opportunities to men and women.
• Outcome:
This course will help to uplift the status of both male and female equally and enable women and men to make decisions that impact more positively for their growth.

3.Guest lecture on Gender Equality

• Objectives:
To provide knowledge of all forms of discrimination against all women and girls everywhere and to encourage women's effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making.
• Outcome:
Girl students will get the knowledge of different aspects of equality. This lecture can help girls to identify their qualities and potentials.

4.Self-Defense Training

• Objectives:
To educate the girl students about the different types of violence against them and to provide knowledge about the different tips of self-protection to keep in mind in different situations.
• Outcome:
Girl students can able to understand different types of violence and by learning different tact of self-defense they can protect themselves from any kind of violence.


Sr No Name Post
1 Prof. Gauri Lonkar In-Charge
2 Prof. Dr. Jayashree Patil Convener
3 Prof. Jayesh Mhatre Teaching Staff -Member
4 Prof. Shilpa Kawale Teaching Staff -Member
5 Mrs. Sanchita Tivlekar Non-teaching Staff -Member
6 Mr. Amit Patil Non-teaching Staff -Member


Objectives of Internal Complain Committee & Women Devlopment Cell

  1. To create and develop a congenial environment for women employees (including teaching, support staff, and contractual as well as daily wages employees) and students (rural, urban, specially-abled, underprivileged, marginalised), allowing them to reach their full potential.
  2. To undertake the awareness programmes on gender sensitization, women’s rights and women empowerment in university campuses and colleges.
  3. To sensitize the students towards the special needs of all genders
  4. To develop equitable opportunities for the educational avenues for women
  5. To build a gender sensitive and inclusive campus
  6. To address concerns of gender discrimination and recommend measures and policies for gender parity at the University
  7. To prevent sexual harassment at workplace
  8. To undertake surveys or action research projects, if necessary, pertaining to women (rural, urban, specially-abled, underprivileged, marginalised) in the society.
  9. To conduct gender audit / safety audit on regular basis
  10. To stress upon the development of women in every sphere.
  11. To organize events and activities for women empowerment.
  12. To create an environment that will help women realize their full potential and give their best.
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