Metric No |
Document Name |
6.1.1 |
The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution
6.1.2 |
The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
6.2.1 |
The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed
6.2.2 |
The functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment and service rules, procedures, etc.
6.2.3 |
Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation Administration Finance and Accounts Student Admission and Support Examination
6.2.3 |
data template
6.3.1 |
The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff
6.3.2 |
Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/ workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year
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Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/ workshops and towards membership fee of professional bodies during the year
6.3.3 |
Number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year
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Number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year
6.3.4 |
Number of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP) during the year (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course etc.)
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Number of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP) during the year (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction Programmes, Refresher Course, Short Term Course etc.)
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Details of teachers attending professional development programmes during the year (Data Template)
6.3.5 |
6.3.5 - Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff
6.4.1 |
Institution conducts internal and external financial audits regularly Enumerate the various internal and external financial audits carried out during the year with the mechanism for settling audit objections within a maximum of 200 words
6.4.2 |
Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year (not covered in Criterion III)
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Details of Funds / Grants received from of the non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropers during the year (Data Template)
6.4.3 |
Institutional strategies for mobilization of funds and the optimal utilization of resources
6.5 |
Internal Quality Assurance System
6.5.1 |
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes
6.5.2 |
The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms and recorded the incremental improvement in various activities
6.5.3 |
Upload details of Quality assurance initiatives of the institution (Data Upload e-copies of the accreditations and certifications)